Write your book
in 14 easy steps!
Dreaming of writing a memoir? Not sure how to turn your idea into a published book?
Grab my free '14 steps to becoming a published author' checklist & say 'bye bye' to overwhelm for good!
“I want to tell my story but I’ve got no idea where to start!”
“I really want to write a book, but it feels way too overwhelming and stressful.”
“There are already so many people who’ve shared about similar topics…What makes my story special?”
“How do I even publish a book? I seriously have no idea…”
If you’re an aspiring non-fiction author, no doubt you’ve probably felt this way at one stage or another.
BUT, the good news is, with the right knowledge, support, and resources, writing your memoir can be so much easier than you ever thought possible.
The good news is…
Despite what you may have heard:
No...writing a book doesn't have to be stressful or overwhelming.
No...you don't have to lock yourself away in a cave for years/lose time away from business & loved ones.
And you definitely don't need to be a celebrity or have a huge email list to write a book that changes lives AND grows your business at the same time!
You just need the right support to get there.
And that’s why I’ve created a little something special to help you on your way:
My ‘14 steps to becoming a published author’ checklist.
In a nutshell, it’s a simple step by step process to help you transform your idea into your dream book. You can download it below :)
Dreaming of writing a memoir? Not sure how to turn your idea into a published book?
Grab my free '14 steps to becoming a published author' checklist & say 'bye bye' to overwhelm for good!